So you say you wish you had a bigger garden? Every one does, right? Well, at some point in all our gardening lives the desire for more land comes up. Frankly, you wouldn’t be a good gardener or true plant lover if the thought never crossed your mind at least once. How ironic is it…
Plant snobbery and the disrespect for the common
Plant snobs. Any long-time gardener or plant collector has run into them. The further you dig yourself into the gardening lifestyle, the more the plant snobbery reveals itself. Sadly, what is lost in all this is the beauty that can be found in a commonly available plant. Common plants become common for a reason. After many…
Maintaining a palm garden is not for the faint of heart
I love plants. After all, I am “married” to them. Hopefully without the other plant groups getting wind of this, I must confess that palm trees are my true love. I lost count some time ago, but if I were to guess, I would say a safe estimate is that I have over 150 different types…
Do not plant Pisonia umbellifera ‘Variegata’ in your garden
There are always a few plants that get placed in my garden that I wish I hadn’t purchased. Maybe I knew they would be too cold sensitive but tried anyway. Maybe I knew they would grow too quickly for a selected spot in the garden. Perhaps some were just ugly and grew nothing like I imagined they would. However, very seldomly…
Here comes El Niño. I Gar-on-TEE.
Here comes El Niño. And no, it is not this guy. It is hard to believe that this Saturday Night Live skit featuring the hilarious Chris Farley was first shown almost 20 years ago. The year was 1997 and it marked the last time California felt the effects of a strong El Niño event. Since that time we have…
Colony Collapse Disorder and ignored facts
This weekend I read the first quality opinion piece in some time on the phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder. It came from Marla Spivak and was found on CNN of all places. It was one of the first opinions not written from the usual subjective point of view. It seems the norm the last few years for some garden bloggers…