Almost ten years ago, when I started my garden, my landscape designer talked me into planting five large Phoenix canariensis (Canary Island Date Palm). He said that there was not a better show-piece tree that could be found for a San Diego yard. He said they were easy to care for and low maintenance past cutting off dead…
Improvements to my boutique agave planter bed
Over the last few years I have become an admirer of the smaller growing Agaves. When most people think Agave the first plant to come to mind is likely Agave americana (Century Plant). The Century Plant can grow to have a spread of 8 feet; it suckers profusely, and in certain soils can spread with…
Pseudophoenix ekmanii replaced with Aloe ‘Hellskloof Bells’
Let’s be honest. We all plant something we were told most likely wouldn’t grow in the garden. But we gardeners are a stubborn folk. Even though I fully understand my stubbornness can lead to heartache and wasted time in many cases, I have found that not listening to collective wisdom has allowed me to reap…