So you say you wish you had a bigger garden? Every one does, right? Well, at some point in all our gardening lives the desire for more land comes up. Frankly, you wouldn’t be a good gardener or true plant lover if the thought never crossed your mind at least once. How ironic is it…
PalmGain 8-2-12 Palm Tree Fertilizer – Review
It’s probably my biology degree speaking, but I am a real nerd when it comes to fertilizer. I love to research the heck out of the subject and I admittedly way over analyze. Those that regularly follow my plant blog know that I am a palm person first. So my fertilizer regimen is mostly centered around palm trees. Over the…
Is it wrong to really love your potting bench?
Perhaps it’s just me, but I love potting stuff up. I enjoy watching the plants I grew from seed, seedlings or cuttings get too large for the containers they are in and require a new home. I also realize that with each new pot I put them in, they come closer to being able to live outside in…
Palm tree growing tips: Stuewe and Sons Treepots
This is the second post of an ongoing blog series on Married to Plants about palm tree growing tips. The first post was about palm tree mounding. This post is on the exceptional Stuewe and Sons treepots and the benefits of using their containers with palm cultivation. Because your choice of container is one of the…
CoreTect Tree and Shrub Tablets – REVIEW
I am sure I will take some heat from the anti-pesticide crowd for this review, but one of the reasons I started my blog was to pass along, what I consider, to be valuable advice and opinions. All in an effort to help people grow happier and healthier plants. Unfortunately, pests and plants go hand-in-hand….
Getting black and blue in the garden
Gardeners know how easy it is to add color to their landscape. The choices nowadays are truly endless and the list expands daily. What a great time to be a gardener. Red, orange, yellow, green, white, brown, purple, pink. All easy. Getting black and blue in the garden, however, can be a different story. So why is blue…
Spring Fertilizing Regimen For This Year
If I were to choose a season as my favorite, it would be a tough choice between fall and spring. I enjoy the fall because the garden is at its zenith and I know my winter break from most gardening chores is right around the corner. With that being said, I think I would have…
Rachio Iro Smart Sprinkler Controller – REVIEW
A few years ago I started looking around for a WiFi-based irrigation system. At the time only a few existed and none of them had all the features I needed or any quality reviews to back it. A few months deeper into my search I stumbled upon a company that had an encouraging solution that promised to be “Coming Soon.” Their website…