Thanks to the creative requirements that using airline points can produce, my trip to Madagascar involved flying Delta there and Air France back. This gave me the opportunity to spend two full days in Johannesburg, South Arica, as I waited for my connecting flight to Madagascar. The first day would be spent visiting the Apartheid Museum, the Mandela House…
Self Realization Fellowship Meditation Gardens
Last week I found myself in Encinitas, so, having a little extra time, I figured it would be a great opportunity to do a tour of the Self Realization Fellowship Meditation Gardens. For such a magnificent little garden, it is amazing how few people living in Southern California actually know about it. The Meditation Gardens themselves are part…
San Diego Zoo Safari Park Butterfly Jungle
Last week spring break was in full effect, and with that came the challenge of keeping the kids busy. But let’s be honest, I live in San Diego, so it really isn’t that much of a challenge. Plus our yearly memberships to Legoland, Sea World and the San Diego Zoo certainly come in handy here….
Pesky raccoon capture and relocation
When you have an acre that is pretty much landscaped to its entirety in suburbia, you are bound to get a few unwanted animal guests. Most come and go without any issues. However, some just don’t know how to be a good neighbor. Raccoons always seem to make the list of terrible guests in my…
San Diego Gopher Snake and a few other garden visitors
This week’s post has to be a quick one considering I didn’t have much time to prepare nor time to finish any other post that I am working on. The reason is because I had the pleasure of spending the last six days in my wife’s hometown of Duluth, Minnesota. My wife’s cousin was getting married, so…
Documentation of the Brown Anole in San Diego County
Back in April I wrote about the Brown Anoles (Anolis sagrei sagrei) that had naturalized in my garden. In that post I mentioned that some herpetologist might be contacting me to come out and collect some specimens and gather some more information. Last weekend I had the pleasure of showing off my new lizard friends to a…
Dragonflies patrolling the skies above my koi pond
Growing up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, you learn to appreciate many of nature’s cues that summer has finally arrived. Long, cold winters can be taxing, so when summer finally does arrive you tend to enjoy it a little more than we do here in San Diego. Heck, summer started in March in San Diego this year. Yes, we are spoiled….
Colony Collapse Disorder and ignored facts
This weekend I read the first quality opinion piece in some time on the phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder. It came from Marla Spivak and was found on CNN of all places. It was one of the first opinions not written from the usual subjective point of view. It seems the norm the last few years for some garden bloggers…